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MetaRecords > Services > MR8 > Plug-ins

Extend your services with optional plug-ins

In addition to the popular MR Web online offices plug-in, you can customize your services and gain additional functionality with optional plug-ins that reward your clients, let you create your own reports, and give outside counsel access to progress reports.

Connect clients & reporters to your online office

MR Web is the essential MR plug-in that gives your clients realtime records status & online case repositories.

MR Web plug in

Reward clients for ordering your services with redeemable points

You can reward loyal clients with points they can redeem with your company with the MR8 Reward Points plug-in. Similar to airline mileage programs or credit card reward systems, it allows your clients to accrue redeemable points. You decide which services earn points, which clients earn points, and how many points to award per dollar billed.

If you are not allowed to reward clients with points, you can use this as a sales analysis tool because it gives you the ability to track your revenue by individual contacts instead of by firms.

Add the Reward Points for Web plug-in to MR Web to give your clients the ability to track and redeem points online.

Create your own custom reports with MR data from the cloud

For MR8 Cloud subscribers: Access your MR database from third-party apps with a dedicated connection to your MR database in the cloud through the Data Reader plug-in so you can use your information in your own reports or other applications. 

data reader


Let non-clients monitor progress of orders

Add the Order Progress Access Extension plug-in to MR Web to allow others (such as co-counsels) to view Order Progress online.